Auditing Your Website For The First Time

Step-by-step of what you need to keep in mind when meeting the needs of SEO.

Performing a Basic Website Audit

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) will guide you through the process of performing a basic website audit, focusing on SEO aspects.


A website audit is essential to identify SEO and performance-related issues that can impact user experience and search engine rankings. The following process will help you diagnose possible issues on a website.

Install the following SEO extensions for your browser to assist in the website audit process:

  1. SEO Pro Extension

  2. Redirect Path

  3. Lighthouse Mobile Test

  4. Keywords Everywhere

Website Audit Process

Step 1: Visit the Website

Open the website you want to audit in your browser.

Step 2: Check Metadata with SEO Pro Extension

Click the SEO Pro Extension (maple leaf icon) and evaluate the following:

  • Is metadata present or missing?

  • Is the canonical tag matching?

  • Are Web Vitals good or bad?

  • Is the language tag present?

Step 3: Assess Website's Headings

Click the 'Headings' tab in the Detailed SEO Extension and assess:

  • Are headings present?

  • Do they make sense structurally?

  • Are any heading levels duplicates, skipped, or out of order?

Step 4: Analyze Website's Status and Redirects

Click the 'Status' tab in the SEO Pro Extension OR use the Redirect Path extension:

  • 404 code indicates the website is not online

  • A single 301/302 redirect is fine

  • Multiple redirects in a row should be addressed

Step 5: Examine Schema

Click the 'Schema' tab in the SEO Pro Extension:

  • Is structured data present?

  • If there's content, it's a positive sign

  • If no content is present, it's an issue

Step 6: Conduct Lighthouse Test

Open an incognito window (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N), right-click anywhere on the page, and access Lighthouse via Inspect > Overflow Menu > Lighthouse:

  • Run a Mobile Lighthouse Test

  • Screenshot the results for reporting purposes

Step 7: Analyze Performance with GTmetrix

Go to

  • Run a test on the website

  • Compare the results against the Lighthouse Test

  • Use the 'Waterfall' tab to pinpoint slow-loading files

  • Screenshot the results for reporting purposes

Step 8: Document Findings

Compile and organize the findings to create a comprehensive report of the website audit.

Step 9: Implement Suggestions and Monitor Results

Work with the client or web developer to implement the recommended changes and monitor the website's performance to measure the impact.


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